It’s Not Always Plain Sailing …

Hey there,   Well, well, well, week 4 already. Time seems to be totally flying by and I have to admit that I have been struggling somewhat to manage my time in order to get things done for my online business. This post is a day late also. I promise I will try and do better next week. 🙂 Having said that though, I am progressing and have almost completed the first 9 days of my autoresponder sequence emails.   I have decided to send an email out every day. The first module of the free course will be sent out on day 1 and then each module will be sent out every 3 days after that. That means there are 2 days between the delivery of each module where I have an opportunity to send out a follow-up email or an email linking to content on my blog.   So….that is exactly what I have been putting together. I have been writing articles for my Blog which will be linked to from the autoresponder follow-up sequence. I have also been finalizing the free course content and will be moving onto creating my first front-end paid course in the coming few days.   Oh….and I also shot an intro video for my Blog this week too. Still getting used to the Camera and microphone and the best settings to use. 🙂 ……Let me know what you think..   As I said at the beginning of the post I have struggled at times during the past week. I have sat down in front of the PC to write articles and drawn a blank. In an attempt to overcome these moments I have used the method I described in my post from week 2.At times it feels that there is more to setting up everything at the beginning than I had originally thought. The key for me is to break everything down into smaller steps and work on them one step at a time. As the saying goes….. How do you eat an elephant??  I bite at a time.   Now that I have a coach and know that I am going in the right direction it makes it easier to trust in the process and just get the work done. Another analogy I heard used once was that starting your business is like pushing a big rock up a hill…….  At the beginning, it is very hard to get that rock moving. But after a while it gets a little easier. However, it still takes effort to get that rock to the top of the hill. Once it is there though it will start rolling down the other side by itself. At that point all your effort has paid off.   Another, thing which is very important to keep you going during though times is your WHY.  Everyone has a WHY or at least should have a WHY. Your WHY should be your main reason for doing what you are doing. My WHY is to build a business offering value to my customers and subscribers so that I can generate an income to look after my family well and to run a lifestyle business where I do not have to sit at my PC all day every day. Your WHY might be to drive fast sports car or travel the world. Whatever it is, identify it and remember it for those tough times,  Once you know your WHY, it makes it easier to get through the tougher times when you might feel demotivated or worse still thinking of quitting. And remember….you don’t fail until you quit. At times like this you can think about your WHY and that should motivate you to continue and drive on through the difficult times.   Finally, I have setup my Facebook group, Internet Marketing Den. My plan for the group is twofold. First and foremost, I want it to be an accountability group. I would encourage anybody interested to join the group and post your accountability posts and also maybe find an accountability partner. Initially I will be trying to hold people accountable also…… so beware LOL. In addition to it being an accountability group I will also be sharing links to useful articles and tools relevant to all aspects of setting up and running an online business. So be sure to check it out….Internet Marketing Den.   And on that note I will sign off for now and catch you next week….Until then….   Peace, Love and Success,   Donal

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