I Had Done Nothing This Week and Then This …..
Hi there,
How are you doing? I hope everything is great for you right now.
So…another week gone already…Damn those weeks are passing by too fast!!
Another week for me too and I had my call with my coach, Andy yesterday….A call I wasn’t looking forward to…because I had achieved nothing at all in the week….except 1 Blog post. I guess at least I had managed that, but that is 1 promise I had made and stuck too.
Well I was surprised by the feedback… Bloody good job Donal…. Slides fantastic Donal.
I must admit I was surprised by the feedback but it did show me that we all tend to under rate ourselves. We can be more and achieve more than we think.
I know this post is going on a bit, sorry…. But here are my take away’s this week.
I had a very busy week and was away for the weekend when I normally manage to get stuff done, and although I had planned to get some of those videos done for the course I was supposed to create, I had in fact done nothing. Truth be told I was going to message Andy the night before our call and reschedule it, because I saw no point in having a call if I had nothing to show him. But I decided it would do no harm to have the call anyway and I didn’t want to look like a chicken, avoiding the call. Also, to be honest, I think he would have chased me anyway to find out why I hadn’t done anything.

- You have time even if you think you don’t (That is what Richie deliberately thought me by making me shoot that video [I hate you Richie ????])
- We all think we are not good enough even when we are and we have more value to give than we think
- We can all do the things that we think we can’t.
- Having a Coach or at least an Accountability partner makes a huge difference.
Absolutley stellar story and so pleased I featured in this one!
Keep up the good work sir…
I adore you brother!
You are the reason I am writing these posts every week brother ….
OMG Donal,
this post kept me in hysterics…tears are rolling down my cheeks, i totally feel your pain… and i know what is like to have Richie getting after you and i love it that he is so up front and honest, he reminds me of my Dad.
psssst…….. do Andy and Richie play the good cop, bad cop thingy?
i am putting your site in my bookmarks unless you have a subscribe button hidden somewhere? I cannot wait to read your next post… and watch a damn video!
thanks for the giggles
Hi Sue,
Thank you for your feedback and glad you enjoyed it.
Now that you mention it, they do do the good cop, bad cop thing LOL.
There should be a subscribe to RSS Feed on the very top left of the Blog.
I look forward to your feedback on my next post.
That could have so been me telling that story, Donal. But you probably told it so much better. I had the exact same experience with getting my product done but Andy and Richie”s reactions and encouragement made all the difference. So pleased for you.
Hi Ray,
Thank you for your comment.
It’s good to know I am not the only one that struggles then.
I have to agree with you that the encouragement makes a huge difference too.
Well done Donal. Don’t forget: each time you go forward 1 step, the next step will be easier.
Hi Hamza,
Thank you for dropping by and for your comment.
Yes, I certainly feel that the next ones will be a lot easier too :).