Sometimes You Just Need to Take a Break
Hey There,
Another week gone by and I am a little late with my blog post for this week so apologies for that.
I have been very busy with many things recently and ending up worn out.
Therefore I decided it was time to take a timeout and relax and rejuvenate….
I am writing this blog post sitting in my hotel room in Bangkok so it will probably be a shorter post this week.
Its damn humid here at the moment and there are plenty of thunder storms around, but it is nice to just get away for a while and relax.
Chris Hitman made a very good point last Friday night on the IM Pub.
He said that the nature of the work we do causes us to spend long periods of time sitting in front of our computers and this is actually a totally unnatural environment for us. Continuing this for long periods of time is unhealthy and can eventually lead to all sorts or issues so you should get away from your computer for at least an hour or two a day and also take a few days off now and then.
I have found more and more over the last couple of weeks that I was finding it harder to keep my focus and also finding it more difficult to be creative because I was getting tired. That is why I decided to take a break for a few days and will hopefully be all refreshed and eager to go again next week.
incidentally Chris did an interview with my friend Gareth Daine last night which I recommend you check out here.Chris gives away and ton of valuable free advise in the interview relevant to people at all levels.
What did I accomplish this week if anything??
Well…I did get some of my over the shoulder videos finished.
Up to now I had only created videos with Powerpoint presentations.
Over the shoulder videos take a bit more planning and preparation.
So I ended up behind schedule a little this week as a result.
Also, when you plan to show someone how to use a piece of software or a plugin, remember that you need to spend a bit of time to learn it yourself 🙂
Sounds obvious I know but I did forget to factor in the time during this past week.
Anyway…. I plan to get the rest of those videos finished before my call with Andy next week.
I might even have a landing page put together too 🙂
My main goal over the next few days though is relax time so that takes priority right now.
And on that note I shall say goodbye for this week and go out on the town for a while.
Until next week ,,,
Peace, Love and Success,